SEO Strategies for Local Business
Local SEO plays an important role in your business growth if you are catering local audience. For example, if you have a store website then your first priority would be reaching out to nearby customers. That can be done by performing better Local SEO. Local search engine optimization is similar to regular SEO method. The only difference between regular SEO and local SEO is the targeted audience. Today we are going to learn more about local SEO and few steps to create SEO Strategies for Local Business.
If you are into service industry and wanted to reach more people then you should design better SEO strategies for local business. You have to follow few steps to boost local SEO and get some growth in your business. Today I am going to talk about how can you create best SEO strategies for local business. Given below are few best practices to boost your local SEO.
Optimization of Google My Business Page
My business page represents your business and its product information on google listings. You can get the verification done and reach more audience by using it correctly. If Google can verify your business as authentic, it will potentially reward you with a coveted sidebar space in Google local search. However, if your business has multiple locations then you can add all of your locations and get more visibility in listings for different locations. Few Benefits of my business page
- Create high quality content and share it on google my business page.
- Share interior and exterior images of your business.
- Respond to customer reviews on your business. It would help you to generate better trust score.
- Update products details and prices.
- Use additional features such as text messaging.
Enable Rich Cards and Structured Data
Enabling rich cards and structured data would help the search engines to understand your business and products. If you have defined the categories and product information correctly, then you will get better views in map views and listing views. It would also help you in getting a google business box. Google business box is the box which appears at right hand side of the search page. Google business box contains following information of your business.
- Website Address
- Map link
- Business Address
- Phone number
- Product posts
- User Reviews
- Similar Businesses
- Social Handles
This information is quite helpful to drive better local traffic.
Fix On Page SEO Errors
It is common practice but it gives better results when it comes to Local SEO. Work on your websites URL Structure, Create descriptive Title Tags and Generate Meta data which should be good enough to describe your products or services. You can also work on website interlinking and make it easier for search engines to understand your website data including products, services, business category and USP’s.
Use local listing channels
You can find out the local business listing channels where you can get listing for your business. Create descriptive listing and share as much as information you can while creating business listings. Check if the listing channel is providing “DoFollow” links. This would be an additional benefit for your business. Given below are few good local listing websites to get a listing for your business.
- mapquest.com
- sulekha.com
- yellowpages.webindia123.com
- targetstudy.com
- yellowpages.cybo.com
- grotal.com
- asklaila.com
- aimoon.com
- burrp.com
- yellow.place1
- resources.afaqs.com
- biz.prlog.org
- in.wowcity.com
- infoline.com
- in.enrollbusiness.com
- directory.edugorilla.com
- fullhyderabad.com
- in.ypgo.net
- whereincity.com
- findglocal.com
- kudzu.com
- indiaonline.in
- nfoisinfo.co.in
- yelloyello.com
- vcsdata.com
- jantareview.com
- in.99nearby.com
- hotfrog.in
- indianindustry.com
- freelistingindia.in
- starofservice.in
- startlocal.in
- driveat.com
- zonalinfo.com
- tuugo.in
- cylex.in42
- indiabook.com
- addyp.com
- clickedindia.net
- yellowpages.in
- indiacatalog.com
- indisearch.com
- threebestrated.in
- ncrcities.com
- urbanhomez.com
- mysheriff.co.in
- 99localsearch.com
- dealerbaba.com
- zoompo.com
- entireindia.com
- rajb2b.com
- clickblue.in
- yelu.in
- localfrog.in
- dialindia.com
- biz15.co.in
- justvisitonline.com
- bizzduniya.com
- place123.net
- lemonhunt.com
- firstdial.in
- finddigitally.com
- orapages.com
- needfinder.in
- jimyellowpages.com
- ncrpages.in
- sharelocalbusiness.com
- indiaontrade.com
- tradesights.com
- onestopb2b.com
- sabmilega.com
- sabmilega.com
- indiabusinessenquiry.com
- dialyou.com
- serviceindia.com
- indyapages.com
- callme.co.in
- indyapages.com
- mybusinesslive.in
- zipleaf.in
- attamarketonline.com
- searchrunners.com
- edigitalyouth.com
- goodlinksindia.in
- indianindustriesdirectory.com
- gostartups.in
- findshops.in
- greaternoidadirectory.com
- altaindia.com
- adroitdirectory.com
- xploremycity.com
- khojinindia.com
- indiabizdir.com
- gurgaononcall.com
- indiabusinessindex.com
- sevanow.com
- easy4dial.com
- gogurucool.com
- toplocal.in19
- wannapreneur2entrepreneur.com
- businesspeeps.com
- parentpuddle.com
- khargharcity.com
- oncallbiz.com
- getinfoonline.com
- pepdeck.com
- eqlic.com
- yellowpagesdir.in
- addressenquiry.com
- turantdial.com
- businessmention.in
- topyellowpage.com
- dailyees.com
- indiaplayschools.com
- puchojee.com
Engage with users
Create better engagement with users by responding to user reviews and feedback. Always respond to your business users and website visitors. It will help to create better impression and generate better user generated content. Number of high positive feedback would also help you to gain better ratings and search views for your business listing.
These are the steps which you could follow to design better SEO strategies for local business. Hope it will help you.
However, if you still have any question, feedback or suggestion on how to create “SEO Strategies for local business” then do comment below of write to us at ravi@theseoguy.in. Keep exploring TheSEOGuy for SEO Tricks and Latest SEO Tips.
If you are looking for a Local SEO Agency, you are at right place. We provide quality local SEO services within budget. Give us a call today and discuss your requirements.
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