How to do ROI calculations for SEO


SEO ROI stands for Return on Investments for Search Engine Optimization campaigns. This is what every client expects from search engine optimization team within organization or third party SEO services providers. Every client calculates the investment and returns to review the impact of campaign and the investment made towards the campaign.  ROI is considered good If your revenue is higher than your investments. Investment should be less than half for better returns. If you are investing half to get an output, you need a better SEO consultant on your side.

SEO is an on-going process so ROI doesn’t reflect instantly but it can be calculated at the end of the month.

How to do ROI Calculations

While calculating ROI for SEO, there are few common factors you need to keep in your mind. Being a SEO strategist myself, I was asked many times whether SEO ROI can be calculated by any formula or not? The answer is there’s no official formula to calculate SEO ROI. But if you work smartly, you could track results of your performance and evaluate it according to client investment.

Given below are few key points to calculate SEO ROI.

Total number of customers landed on website via organic searches:

In order to track total number of customers landed on website via organic searches, you could collect data from Google Analytics and compare it with previous duration. All you need to do is:

Track the number of subscriptions and registrations through organic source

In order to track number of events such as subscriptions and registration, you need to explore events recorded in google analytics 4. To check all the events, you can simply follow the steps.

You can setup the events from available options or set up your own custom event as per the website or business requirement.

Explore the google custom events guidelines for more.

Track website leads

Work on tracking leads, customer queries and Conversions on the website from all source/Medium. For this you need to set up goals in Google Analytics and keep a track on goal completion. According to project requirement you can set up goals. Social Shares, Registration forms, Enquiry Forms or maybe custom goals according to project need. You must always refer Create, Edit and Share Goals a complete Google guide before adjusting or creating goals.

Additional SEO ROI Indicators

Apart from above listed indicators there are few important factors which we could consider as a good ROI factor.

Increase in Non-Brand Organic Traffic

We all know that there are two types of keyword searches

In brand keywords, the users search for services which includes brand name. For example, at TheSEOGuy I provide digital marketing services and if any customer searches for “TheSEOGuy digital marketing services” it will be the brand keyword search. However, if the customer don’t include brand name and search for “Digital marketing Services” and land on my website, It will be the non-brand organic search for my platform. If the non-brand searches for different product or services are increasing then SEO results are good and it will help to justify SEO ROI.

Keeping an eye on Landing pages and tracking all conversions is also a good indicator. For Local SEO ROI, I would suggest you to track all phone calls made by customers and calculate the value of each call by running test ad campaigns.

Hope this would help you to understand SEO ROI. If you have any question, feedback or suggestions for this information then do comment below. And keep exploring the blogs of TheSEOGuy for SEO Tricks and Latest SEO Tips

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Hi, I am global SEO Expert providing affordable SEO services since 14+ years and counting. Worked for 100+ national and international brands. Top Indian SEO Consultant you are looking for #TheSEOGuy.

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