Importance of original images in SEO

Importance of original images in SEO

Importance of original images in SEO

You must have heard about using original content for better SEO results. Content is considered as king in terms of SEO process. But often webmasters don’t focus on original graphics or images. Importance of original images in SEO is not less than the written content. But often we have seen webmasters using stock images instead of generating original images. Today I am going to share some insights on Importance of original images in SEO. It will help you to decide when and how you can use stock images and where to use original images. Let’s begin the learning.

Original Images

Original Images are basically graphics or images which are not published on internet anywhere in the world. To understand it better we can take the example of Company Logo. Every company or organization has unique logo which they use on their web or other internet platforms. It is considered as fresh and an unused image. It represents a particular company or organization. It is very rare that you find two organizations with same logo image. Similarly, if you use original images in your content and publish on internet platforms it will give you more benefits than using stock images.

Stock Images

Stock images are basically the images which you can purchase or download from various image hosting websites or providers. You can get the graphics or images according to your content and use it on your website or social platforms along with your content. But the question is if we are getting the stock data from verified vendors or platforms then what’s the problem in using it?

Well let me explain you in a simplest way. Images are virtual objects which can be sold multiple times. You got the image for your web but it is possible that the same image is already been sold to someone else and published on internet. Just to make it easy, I would like to show an example of reverse image search results.

(Reverse image example)

As you can see in the above image, after reverse image search I can see the exact or similar images which are used earlier under different URL’s, websites and other internet platforms.

Since this is the original image, all the results are showing TheSEOGuy.

How to do reverse Image Search

Since you know the importance of original images by using reverse image search method, Let me share the steps do perform reverse image search.

Method 1: Upload image

  • Open browser
  • Go to
  • Click on the image icon
  • Upload an imgage
  • Click on choose file
  • Select the image from your computer
  • Click upload
  • It will show you the results similar to image you have uploaded.

Method 2: Direct Image search

  • Open the website or blog where images are uploaded already
  • Right Click on the image
  • Select “Search Google for image”

Method 3: Search Images by URL

  • Open browser
  • Go to
  • Click on the image icon
  • Copy the image URL and paste it in the box. (You can copy the image URL by right clicking on image and selecting “Copy Image Address”)
  • Hit Enter

Reverse Image Search is important

Google can’t see images but can read alt tags and it would work great if you have original images. If you have the knowledge and skill to do it, then creating your own thumbnail for your blog, as well as the images within the blog, is the finest idea. No matter if you are using a free blog or a paid one, this is a great way to get additional traffic to your site (use the right Alt Text).

Moreover, this ensures that you have the most relevant images based on your website or blog. Stock images do not always fit the context, especially if you are writing something unique.

Advantage of using original images

When you perform reverse image search with your original images, you will find number of your blog/website links and few similar business/niche domains. Reverse image search is pretty much common in few countries and people like to dig as much as information if they really like your product or information. It would help you to attract new visitors and drive more engagement on your website. Original content is always better than using copied content.

Disadvantage of using stock images

When you perform reverse image search you can actually see the number of business/website/blogs have used the same image. It doesn’t create good impression on user. Stock images are quickly well-known but also well-ignored type of content. User would not be interested in images which they have already seen somewhere else. It doesn’t attract new users on your website.

Tip: Use images with little informative text or try to use info-graphics on your post to share little bit information of your product/information. You can refer Google Image SEO Tips to learn few cool image SEO Tips.

I tried to put some insights on importance of original images in SEO. Hope you like the information. If you have any feedback or suggestions for this then do comment below. You can also contribute if you know more tips and tricks to improve image SEO score.

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Hi, I am global SEO Expert providing affordable SEO services since 14+ years and counting. Worked for 100+ national and international brands. Top Indian SEO Consultant you are looking for #TheSEOGuy.

6 thoughts on “Importance of original images in SEO”

  1. Hi,

    I am building a. website and would like to know the effect of original photos vs stock photos in seo. How much weight does original images have in SEO? Is it a big factor in the overall seo of the site?

    1. Hi Ori,
      Thanks for paying your visit at TheSEOGuy
      I have shared advantages of using original images & disadvantages of using stock images here. Being a SEO Strategist, every aspect of SEO is important to me irrespective of their weight.

      Ravi Kumar Rana

  2. Hi

    I am sure that the informative you shared through your post is useful for people. I am impressed with the way of writing. It kept connected me all the time

    1. Hi Minakshi,
      Thanks for the feedback. I believe this information would definitely help people to understand the importance of original images in SEO.

      Ravi Kumar Rana

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