Leveraging Schema Markup

Leveraging Schema Markup

We are living in a highly competitive digital world. Having a website is not enough if it is not ranking. Search visibility is extremely important for a website to generate traffic and conversion. Being an SEO agency, we have worked for different businesses across the globe. We have collected few case studies and key points to optimize websites to stay on top of your competition. Today in this blog, we are going to share our experience with schema implementation. You will learn the importance of leveraging schema markup for better search visibility in this blog.

What is schema markup?

Schema markup also known as structured data is additional microdata in your website’s HTML. It helps search engines such as google, bing and duckduckgo to understand the context of page and read it easily. Structured data helps crawlers to understand the purpose of page. As soon as you implement structured data, rich snippets appear on your website below the title of your page in search engine results. You might have seen some star ratings, FAQs, Videos or sitelinks pricing and events calendar in SERP.

For example given below is the star ratings example which appears in SERP for TheSEOGuy

Why Should You Care About Schema Markup?

Technology is evolving and search engines are getting smarter every day. In this competitive digital space, new technologies are bringing different methods, features and opportunities for search engine optimization manager. But search engine crawlers are bot they are not human they still need some cues that tell them what is going on with the content. Schema Markup can do that for crawlers. Markup provides the cues and relevant information to search engine crawlers which helps crawler bots to understand the content better.

Imagine a website with gibberish content with no indication of context and another website with clean structure with some signals of context of the written content. Which website will the crawlers index first?

Rich snippets helps in standing out of the crowd and generate better chance of showing up in relevant locations for applicable queries.

Rich snippets enhance not only visibility but appear to drive higher click-through rates. According to a study by Milestone, rich snippets are capable of increasing CTR by as much as 30%. That means more traffic into your site, which then results in higher conversions and really great performance overall.

Types of Schema Markup Recommended

Depending on the context and purpose of the page, you can use different types of schema markups. Given below are few common schema markup types you should use on pages.

Organization Schema

If you are running a business website, you should use organization markup on contact us and about us page. Organization markup supplies vital information about your company from location, social, organization to logo. This information is useful for brand awareness. Crawlers get the relevant insights and identify the purpose of page.

Product Schema

This markup is used on e-commerce websites to show some of the information provided about a product directly in search results, like price, availability, and customer ratings. This information helps crawlers to read the additional information. You can take the given below reference of product schema results in search engine result page.

Review Schema

If you have good reviews for your product or services, you should add review markup on pages. Review schema helps in showing the star ratings in SERP which generates credibility of your product or services. You can implement review schema on product pages or services pages.

Event schema

Event schema is useful for the organizations hosting events. It helps provide the relevant information of event directly in SERP such as event date, time, location and short summary. If you are running an offline sale event for your store, you can use event schema on your store website.

FAQ schema

Question and answers are important for a business because of rising technologies and search and chat bots. Just the the voice search, popular FAQs are important part of page content. If you add the FAQ structured data on pages, you have higher chance of getting the recognition of that page. Search crawlers can read the structured data and prioritize the pages based on relevance and quality.

Local Business Schema

This is very crucial for local SEO as it will help you show up for search engine results that are local in nature and there is some other information involved like operating hours, location of the business, and occasionally, customers’ reviews.

How to add schema markup to website

Implementing schema is bit technical so you must be careful while implementing schema markup. You can take help of technical SEO experts or hire an SEO agency to do the work for you.

You need to create the schema markup. It’s up to you which method you choose to generate schema. You can generate schema markup in three different formats.

After creating the code, you need to test it on rich results testing tool or schema validator. It is recommended to use rich results testing tool.

Once the code is ready and there are no errors in code, you need to paste the code in page HTML. If you are using CMS such as shopify or wordpress, you can take help of third party plugins to do the work.

For detailed guidelines on schema markup, please follow the instruction and rules for schema markup by google.

By following above steps, you can leverage schema markup on your website for better search visibility. If you still have any question, do comment below or reach out to our technical SEO experts.

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