Event Blogging tips for ICC cricket world cup 2023

Event Blogging tips for ICC cricket world cup 2019

Event Blogging tips for ICC cricket world cup 2023

Every event brings an opportunity and a lot of hard for event bloggers who wanted to rank in SERP and earn some revenue through their blogs. But due to search engine algorithm updates and uncountable competition, it is not an easy task. It doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve your goals. All you need to do is, prepare early and follow the right practices for your targeted event. Today I am going to share some good tips for upcoming biggest event ICC Cricket World Cup 2023. It will surely help you to perform better.

Before getting into the event blogging tips, let’s understand what event blogging is and how it works.

Event Blogging:

Event blogging is similar to regular blogging but it is focused on particular event, festival or occasion. For example ICC Cricket world cup 2023. It is going to be a biggest event for all event bloggers. If you work smart and do the right SEO then in the short span of time, you can make good amount.

How Event blogging works:

Event blogging works on searches related to event. For example hypothetically, today is ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 and you wanted to know about Cricket Score, Live Cricket Match Update, Cricket news and Cricket World Cup Schedule so you would search it on internet by using your phone or internet connected device. While searching for this you will type the search queries related to ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 such as:

  • Cricket
  • Livescore
  • Cricket score
  • Live Match Update

There are billions of people who are doing the same. They all are looking for similar information on internet. Every user uses different search engines for the same. Majority of them use Google to find out this information.

Imagine you already have a blog on such information and by doing better SEO (search engine optimization) you have gained some rankings and your blog is ranking on top page of search engines. In this situation, you will receive millions of users on your blog. You can monetize your blog by Adsense, Media. Net or any other publisher account and make money out of it.

Not excited yet? Let’s talk how to do event blogging and make it a success. After reading what event blogging is and how to make money out of it, you might be looking for steps to do it. Don’t worry; I am going to share the steps which you can follow to make your blog successful.

Every event is different and you have to pick the event carefully. You have to choose the event on which you can write original content and promote it without seeking help. I pick the topic of ICC Cricket Word Cup 2023 because cricket is most favored sport here in India.  You can pick the event according to your choice.

Event Blogging Tip 1: Choose your event carefully

As I explained earlier, you have to pick the event on which you can write and generate original content. If you pick the event of your interest, you will be able to write about it. You know from where to collect information about event. It will help you in many ways.

Tip 2: Keyword Research

Once you are done with the event, you need to do a keyword research to find out what’s going on between the search engines and what kind of searches are performed by users related to your event. Don’t worry it is simple and you can perform it by free tools such as keyword planner and google trends. Let’s start with google trends.

Open trends.google.com

Choose the country from top right section

Put the event keyword in search box. i.e. Here we are discussing ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 so put the same in box and hit “Search”.

Refer the Screenshot Below

icc cricket world cup google trends

It will give you an overview of the search for that particular keyword. And you can analyse which related searches are there and from which location this keyword is getting better engagement.  See the screenshot below

icc cricket world cup google trends 2

As you can see in the image, location, related queries and related topics are on your screen. Now you can use the data to prepare a better keyword search strategy.

Next step is to perform keyword research and find out relative keywords to your event i.e. ICC Cricket World Cup 2023.

Open keyword planner

Click on find keywords

Put the keyword in search box and hit search

Refer the screenshot below

icc cricket world cup keyword research

It will give you list of related keywords which are used to perform searches related to your event. I don’t want to get into deep but you can always filter your data by adding or removing additional filters in keyword planner tool. For example, you can adjust the time duration from when till when you want the keyword data, adjust the search type i.e. closely related keywords or broadly searched keywords and many more.

Given below is one example of keyword filter

icc cricket world cup keyword research filter

After collecting the best keyword data, you can move to next step.

Tip 3: Buying a domain & Hosting

It is an important factor in event blogging. Hypothetically, if you are preparing for ICC World Cup 2023 and you book a domain www.icccricketworldcup2023.com then there’s none in the world who is luckier than you. It covers the motive of your event and double the chances of your event a success. However, it is not possible to get the exact domain so you can try with relative domain which represents your event.  For example, I got https://theseoguy.in as my domain because I wanted to be the SEO Guy. If you are lucky enough and get the traffic on your blog then you need a good hosting to cater those many visitors. Don’t get into any cheap hosting because if your blog would crash during the peak, you will lost traffic and will not be able to generate good amount.

Tip 4: Content Creation

Creating or generating content is most important part of any kind of blogging. And if you are doing event blogging then you should know the importance of content. Try to generate original and interesting content to keep your users engaged. Do not stuff your articles with keywords. Focus on quality and try not to copy from other resources. Always write the original and genuine information with added flavour of interesting facts. It will keep the interest between your blog visitors and help you to get lesser bounce rate and higher engagement and money.

Tip 5: Create Privacy Policy, Contact us and Diclaimer Page

Creating these pages would help you to get your blog monetized easily because you must have these pages if you are applying for Google Adsense. If you don’t have these pages, you might not get approval to monetize your blog. It creates a trust between your blog and search engines so you should always have these pages on your blog while applying for monetization.

Tip 6: Take your time in research and create social pages to share your blog articles

When I said take your time, it means start working at least before 50-60 days before the event and publish your blog because domain age is one of the trust factor and can help you in getting SERP results. Create social pages and encourage people to visit your blog and read the blog posts.

Tip 7: Generate high quality backlinks for your blog

Having quality backlinks would always help you to rank high. But while building backlinks, do remember that you only focus on quality instead of quantity. Here is how to create High Quality Backlinks. I’ve written an article earlier on this information. You can follow the steps to build high quality backlinks for your blog.

Tip 8: Try your hands on On-Page and Off Page SEO

Follow the basic steps of On-Page SEO and optimize your blog and perform better Off-Page SEO as well. Here are few Necessary steps for better Off-Page SEO which can help you to enhance your blog performance. For on page, you can follow Google’s Search Engine Optimization Guide and follow the steps.

Tip 9: Find or create catchy images

Using catchy and interesting images is always important while representing your content. If you are writing a long article then user might feel monotonous and close the web. But representing the content with interesting graphics would help you to handle this situation. If you are good at graphics and it is an advantage for you but if not then pick the free images.

*Note* do not use copyrighted images on your blog. Choose the graphics wisely while using in your content. It is not at all recommended to use copyrighted images.

Hope steps would help you to understand the concept of event blogging. If you are the one who is preparing for ICC Cricket world cup 2023 then let’s get started. Do comment below your feedback.

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Hi, I am global SEO Expert providing affordable SEO services since 14+ years and counting. Worked for 100+ national and international brands. Top Indian SEO Consultant you are looking for #TheSEOGuy.

4 thoughts on “Event Blogging tips for ICC cricket world cup 2023”

  1. Very informative data and get to know more and more about how blogging can be done also how keyword research is been helpful for ranking a website.

  2. These event blogging this are really wonderful. Thanks for sharing these great tips with the great content. I really appreciate this blog.

    1. Hello Saksham,
      Thanks for the positive feedback for this information. Hope it will help you to understand event blogging deeply. For more tips and tricks keep exploring TheSEOGuy.

      Ravi Kumar Rana

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